
Freshwater Wetlands Permit

(General Permit No. 18, or No. 16) Within the provisions of a GP18, up to one acre can be disturbed before the need for an Individual Permit is required.  Projects with greater than one acre of wetland impacts must apply for a GP16 for Habitat Creation and Enhancement Activities.

It is during the GP16/18 Permit review process that the NJ State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) will weigh in and likely require a Memorandum of Understanding with the project owner that will describe how to handle any potential impacts to historic structures.

Dam Safety Permit

(N.J.A.C. 7:20) The Dam Safety Standards provide a framework through which a dam removal can safely take place.   There are several items listed under NJAC 7:20‐1.7(h) that are reviewed by the Bureau of Dam Safety and Flood Control when applicants are seeking to breach or remove a dam.  These items can be summarized as follows:

  • Sediment management
  • Dewatering
  • Notice to all adjoining property owners
  • Environmental effects of the breach
  • Impacts on downstream life and property

Flood Hazard Area Control Permit (N.J.A.C. 7:13)

If the scope of a dam removal project expands beyond the regulatory authority of the Safe Dam Act, or the obstruction does not meet the definition of a dam in accordance with Dam Safety Standards, a Flood Hazard Area permit is required.  

County Soil Conservation District (Soil Erosion Control) Permit

 A soil erosion control permit is required by New Jersey law in order to build and develop in the state.  This permit is issued by one of the State’s 15 soil conservation districts, whose job it is to implement the NJ Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Act.

Districts are special purpose subdivisions of the New Jersey Department of Agriculture.  They are not county government agencies, although their jurisdiction follows county boundaries.  They are semi-autonomous locally-governed political bodies, which play a very unique role in the protection of New Jersey’s natural resources.

Water Lowering Permit 

Issued by the Department’s Division of Fish and Wildlife, this permit must be obtained to partially or completely lower a body of water, regardless of ownership. The purpose of this permit is to protect the state’s important aquatic resources that reside within, and downstream of the project area

Possible Additional Permits

Depending upon the location of roads, bridges or other infrastructure, additional permits may be needed from the NJ Department of Transportation (DOT) or the County Engineering/Bridge Department.